Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Trade Update 7 Feb 17

Slight push in the morning for many pennies which lasted an hour from market opening. Thereafter started seeing some pennies reversing the morning move. (hint hint on what to expect in the afternoon)

Indeed, many penny counters gave up gains made on 6 Feb 17, In other words, BBs attempted to trap retailers at the high end. Anchor Resources was one such counter and I decided to wait till closing on 6 Feb 17 @ 109 gave way before I exit my position at cost @108.

Dyna Mac was still holding well and started moving up around 3pm. I decided to take my profit @ 184 given the weak market conditions. I was lucky enough to get the top for the day on this and Dyna-Mac subsequently closed @ 180

Yoma had a breakup today and closed 605.

Current holdings
1. AA
2. Asiamedic
3. Indofood
4. Yoma

Geo Energy today facing its first day of T+5 really surprised me as it ended on a high @ 280. Will continue to observe

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